Move your body, breathe deeply, raise your frequency, expand your awareness, remember who you are.

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What is Yoga

Yoga is a generic word (such as health, fitness) and means union (from the root Sanskrit verb: Yug ~ to join). It is often interpreted as the union ...



' Prana burns as fire; he shines as the sun; he rains as the cloud; he blows as the wind; he crashes as thunder in the sky. He is earth; he has ...



Meditation is a technique for training and exploring the mind and (hopefully) the 'self' or 'that' by using various systems and methods which encourage ...


Welcome to Cristina Chandika Ma

Dedicated to making the world a better place, touching as many lives as possible with the spirit, wisdom and tradition of yoga. We feel how the world economy, society and nature are going through deep changes and shifts. Yoga can physically and mentally prepare us for these changes and build a stronger, more balanced and more aware community. We hope you will join us as we stand as one - practicing yoga and working together by widening our circle of compassion, embracing all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty - WE ARE ONE.